Helene & Roatan MEI Site Director
Raised in a farming family in eastern Arkansas, Reed learned to plant, tend, and harvest a variety of crops: corn, cotton, soybeans, milo, and wheat. While attending Southwest Baptist University, he learned to plant, tend, and harvest disciples for Jesus. In college, he surrendered to God’s specific call to “preach and teach the nations.” Reed attended MidAmerica Baptist Seminary and served in a variety of church staff positions for over 30 years. Reed’s unique agricultural and ministry background have enabled him to build relationships and disciple men in Helene, Honduras, as he serves as the Director for the Helene and Roatan mission sites.

Life in the Harvest
“You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others.” 2 Timothy 2:2 NLT
In the fall of 2021, a small missionary team from Wynne, Arkansas, along with MEI team member, Reed Dillahunty, brought The Heart & 4 Fields training to the island of Helene. The small portion of the training the leaders were able to present captured the hearts of many men on the island, and led Larry Benson to bring the message to the board. The training is rich and complex, yet easy to reproduce in practice. Nestled within The Heart of God training are The 4 Fields: Entry, Evangelism, Discipleship, and Church Planting.
In The Heart & 4 Fields process, discipleship follows a simple Three Thirds framework: time spent looking back, looking up, and looking forward.
Looking back involves simple prayer, encouraging each other, reflecting on growth, and loving accountability.
Looking up is time spent studying the Word with each member asking three simple questions: 1. What does this say about God? 2. What does this say about man? 3. What is there for me to obey?
Looking forward is a time of goal setting for personal obedience in the next week–including sharing the gospel with friends & family. This last third ends with a prayer of commissioning for the work of the coming week.
This same discipleship framework is applicable in any situation or location.
The harvest is plentiful. Workers are few. The Heart & 4 Fields is powerful. We at MEI would love to share it with you.