MEI Discipleship Encounter - A Missionary Immersion Experience
Or perhaps your life has become a routine and you are desperately praying that God will speak directly to you. If you feel any of these questions tugging at your heart, then prayerfully consider going on a Discipleship Encounter with Mission Encounters International.
Why a Discipleship Encounter?
Our Discipleship Encounter program creates the space for you to have a unique encounter with God. God is working on Helene through the Islanders and with our team. Hearts and minds are changing and God is being glorified.
On a Discipleship Encounter you will experience growth both personally and spiritually. The Discipleship Encounter creates a rich environment where, if you are willing to be vulnerable, you will be challenged, feel uncomfortable and grow!
You will have an opportunity to encounter God, transform lives and impact nations.

Who Should Go?
We are looking for people who want to be full time missionaries, who are either new to missions or have been doing missions their whole lives. A Discipleship Encounter will expose you to all area of our ministries. We completely customize schedules for all participants based on arrival and departure dates, location needs, and staff availability.
What is an MEI Discipleship Encounter?
An MEI Discipleship Encounter is our 12 week missionary immersion experience that allows for you to discern the will and call of God on your life regarding overseas missionary work. It is a mandatory prerequisite to full-time missionary service with our organization–no matter your level of experience or education. It is a time for you to consider the weight of serving in full-time missions service with our organization. Our MEI discipleship experience takes place on the island of Helene in the Bay Islands of Honduras. Our goal is to offer a well-rounded view of daily missionary life with MEI—its challenges, joys, sorrows, and rewards.
What Makes an MEI Discipleship Encounter Unique?
Our missionary immersion experience has been developed by our organization with the following key tenets:
Mentoring – We take seriously the calling of a career overseas missionary life so we make sure you are mentored by our missionary care specialists from the time you apply until weeks after you return.
Spiritual Disciplines — Integrate prayer, Bible study, and Christian worldview into your daily life as you grow personally and in community with others.
Theological Foundations — Missions is so much more than just going and doing good things or proclaiming the Gospel in foreign lands. Learn Gods master plan for reconciling all nations to Himself and your part to play!
Service Opportunities — Serving alongside our missionary teams and local people you will serve in several different areas: hospitality, teaching, medical or dental assistance, pastoral training, cooking, event planning, building and maintenance.
Cultural Immersion — There are no walls or gates separating you from the local island community so daily life is up close and personal. Whether you are going to church, serving others, buying and selling, or just getting out and about to find your way around, learning cultural cues is inevitable.
Christian Community Living — This means more than just a bunch of Christians living together; it means practicing Biblical values in relationships with one another, living and worshiping together, growing in faith and ministry.
What Does a Normal Day Look Like?
For our missionary team, there are very few typical days but here is a slice of life:
7:00 am – Team Breakfast
8:00 am – Team Devotions
9-12:00 pm – Morning Service Opportunities or Study
12:00 pm – Team Lunch
1-5:00 pm – Afternoon Service Opportunities or Study
6:00 pm – Team Dinner
7-9:00 pm – Hang Out Time
10:00 pm – Lights Out
What is the Length of the Program?
A semester program is usually 12 weeks, depending on whether the participant is looking to earn college course credit. Upon graduation of your Discipleship Encounter, you and the missionary team will evaluate your goals, team fit, and experiences to decide further service.
What are the Expenses?
The entire 12 Week Discipleship Encounter is covered by a flat fee. Often times these encounters are less expensive than even living in the states! How much do you spend a month on rent, gas, food, and all other costs of living? Also to date, everyone that has completed a Discipleship Encounter has raised 100% of their costs through donations. After filling out your application and speaking with the home office, we set up a fundraising page for you online where you can invite people to support your Discipleship Encounter.
This flat fee includes:
- All Transportation Costs between Roatan, Honduras and Helene.
- All Lodging Costs
- All Meals
- All Materials and Books
- Bi-Weekly Counseling Appointments with a trained Missionary Counselor
- All tools for fundraising your cost
Want to talk more about a Discipleship Encounter?
Please a take moment to pray about the opportunity, then complete the below interest form and we will contact you!
Discipleship Encounter Testimonials
Contact Us
We would like to talk with you further about the many benefits of a MEI Discipleship Encounter.
Please a take moment to pray about the opportunity, then complete this short form and we will contact you back!
For additional information, please download our brochure.