Distinctive Ministry Projects
Africa Focus
And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news.” Romans 10:14-15
Would you consider partnering with MEI to further the Gospel on a global scale? MEI has 2 immediate projects that need your help to Make Disciples in the world.
First, our Site Director on Helene, Reed Dillahunty, will be traveling to Uganda and Kenya this January. Reed will join one of our national partners in Uganda, David Cheni, to train leaders in making reproducible disciples. Bishop George Kariuki (one of only three bishops in Kenya) has extended an invitation for Reed and David to continue training Disciple Makers next door in Kenya.

As a prominent leader in his country, George is gathering key leaders and pastors from across Kenya for encouragement, training, and a challenge to make disciples who make disciples. This travel journey will be quite a financial endeavor and we are asking you to consider supporting Reed in this. The total cost of the trip is $4,500. Would you join in as part of this global fellowship?
Secondly, David Cheni, MEI’s national partner in Uganda, is getting ready to organize two pastoral trainings for 25 local pastors before the year’s end. This training will have a rippling effect across many parts of Uganda. As teachers of the gospel grow, so does the spreading of the gospel itself. The total cost of this training is $1,500.
With a total of $6,000, we can confidently say that disciples will be made, trained and equipped to make disciples, missionaries will grow, ministry workers will be supported, and many more will hear the name of Jesus–perhaps for the first time!
Would you prayerfully partner with MEI to make disciples in Uganda and Kenya by clicking on the following link to financially support the gospel? Thank you in advance for making the name of Jesus famous, all over the world, and to all peoples. – $6,000

Helene Christian School Project. Bay Islands Honduras
MEI shares the gospel of Jesus with Honduran school children on a regular basis. This school project also allows missionaries to speak Biblical truth into the lives of teachers, parents and extended families as they carry out Great Commission work. All of the classrooms at the Helene school are in dire need of paint, electric fans, classroom storage shelves and screens on the windows. This project will allow MEI to continue to provide a Christian education to children and also gain entry in homes around the island for gospel and discipleship opportunities. – $4,500
Missionary Training Center Project. Helene Honduras
God has begun opening doors for MEI to help train missionaries. This training program would be held on the island of Helene and would equip new missionaries in vision and strategy (H4F) as well as prepare them for cross cultural ministry in other parts of the world! Before these new missionaries can be trained there are a number of repairs and upgrades that need to be made to the MEI training facility. This includes general maintenance on the rooms, dining and kitchen facility, as well as some electrical, plumbing, new bedding and furniture, painting, screen repairs. Upgrades to the training center will also benefit MEI volunteer teams that come to serve and minister every year. – $8,750

Please find below a list of our Helene site-specific projects to assist with our discipleship and community development projects.
- Repair of foundation for the Clinic (main building) – $800
- Creating landfill for trash program – $500
- Medical Clinic – Two (2) Stainless Steel Utility Carts – $500 each
For additional information on a project you or your organization would like to fund and/or participate, please free to contact us, using the below Contact Us form.
If you would like your gracious donation applied to a specific project or program, please note the name in the Donation Comments field.
Thank you.
Contact Us
We would like to talk with you, and answer any questions, about the many discipleship benefits of a special project or program, so please complete the interest form and we will contact you!
For additional information about MEI, please download our brochure.