Use Your Talents to Serve God in Helene
We are looking for long term staff (2-3 year commitment) who share our vision and desire to live out the Gospel wherever God calls them. Our team works and lives together to encounter God, transform lives and impact nations. We operate on a remote island off the the coast of Roatan, Honduras.
Disciple Maker
Enter into the spiritual harvest fields on and around the Bay Islands to share the Gospel, and gather believers into simple Discipleship groups! Training other leaders on the islands to join you in the work is crucial!!
To operate a mission site on a remote Island is a changing and complex operation involving maintenance of physical structures, power systems and water plant. We are looking for staff with mechanical experience. Knowledge of generators, engines, boats, electrical and battery systems and general construction preferred.
Medical & Dental
Our clinic provides preventative, routine and emergency care, as well as coordination of care and transport for services at the hospital on Roatan. Individuals with any level of training are encouraged to inquire, however advanced nursing, medical or dental training is preferred.

Contact Us
We would like to talk with you further about joining the MEI Team.
Please a take moment to pray about the opportunity, then complete this short form and we will contact you back!
For additional information, please download our brochure.