MEI announces new team member

Announcing a New MEI Team Member

August 20, 2019 Admin Comments Off

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” – 1 Peter 4:10

As the numbers of our Short-Term Mission (STM) teams increase, along with their complexity (Good news – some teams are being formed from multiple churches), we are pleased to announce a new team member, Sue Sherrick, as our Short-Term Mission Trip coordinator. 

Sue will assist our Executive Director, Larry Benson, with the day-to-day activities in preparing the teams for their STM trip. These many activities include serving as the main contact prior to the trip, processing of the minimal forms, answering questions, etc. 

Thank you Sue for your service to MEI and assisting with the transformational experiences of our Short-Term Mission trip participants.