Not all is quiet on the MEI Helene front

Not All is Quiet on the MEI Helene Front…

August 13, 2019 Admin Comments Off

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28

Even with no recent newsletter update, rest assured, MEI Helene has not slowed down.  Quite the contrary…  Activities are still abundant: sharing the Word, serving the communities, capital improvement projects, Short-Term Mission team visits, etc.  For now, just a short update on two projects: construction of a community dock and another step towards completion of the school building.

Finally, after eight years in the planning stages, a large community dock has been completed. This is the first such dock in Helene, which will provide many benefits to the community.   The actual construction started over two years ago, but unfortunately due to many issues, the first construction company was fired, and the work completed to-date had to be redone.  The second, and final construction company, built the dock to commercial grade standards.  

Not all is quiet on the MEI Helene front
Not all is quiet on the MEI Helene front
Not all is quiet on the MEI Helene front
Not all is quiet on the MEI Helene front

The dock will handle large construction equipment unloading, so in the near future, the current island roads (unpaved paths) can be upgraded to actual roads. MEI, through our partners, helped the city buy the land for the dock connection to the closest path (future road). What great ways we find to work together.

The other project to highlight is one of the last steps with the new school building, tiling the main large room. With donated funds, the material and local labor were employed to have all the dirt floor tiled. Aaron and his crew are doing a great job finishing the floor. In addition, a problem of water flowing to the toilets and kitchen was fixed. A great job by Juilo.

With God’s blessings, we are getting projects completed. 

To continue with other open projects, Larry and his team are finishing up a review of outstanding projects to determine time and expenses required to complete them.  We look forward to sharing these with you in the near future.

We continue to thank God for his many blessings, including your gracious support for MEI and Helene. 

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” – Ecclesiastes 4:9-12