Thank you for your support as we partner together

Thank You for Your Support as We Partner Together

November 30, 2018 Admin Comments Off

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. – 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Thankfulness is felt in so many ways by the human heart. We come to God with a burden, a burden that has been going on for years or decades. Then after hours, months, even years of prayer, God meets the need and thankfulness is now joined with newfound relief. Our hearts are flooded with thankfulness. God brings us to great need sometimes in financial ways, other times in relational ways, and for the good of drawing us closer to Him. So, we are moved into this wonderful place of thanksgiving and praise that floods our souls for what God has done. All this is a direct expression of His character.

Therefore, true thankfulness is embedded in the character of God. “All good and perfect gifts come down from the Father of lights.” At MEI we are convinced that it is the character of God expressed through our friends, families, and supporters that makes MEI even happen. The true heart of giving that leads us all to thankfulness for what God has done, and the character He has revealed in us and through us.

As God led you in giving to MEI, God Himself has used your gift to sustain the ministry. How do we say thank you to those who have lived a life growing and giving in the character of God? Thank you for investing in our lives so we could continue to grow in the life and character of God with you. Your giving floods our hearts with thankfulness.

This type of giving allows us to grow and thrive in the thankfulness of God. We get to see people encounter God, see their lives transformed, and see their communities changed. We are thankful for your faithful giving, as we partner together to bring to life those who are dead in trespasses and sin.

On behalf of all of MEI, thank you for your support and prayers.

In His service,

Larry Benson, MEI Executive Director

We look forward to another God-led year of Encountering God, Transforming Lives, and Impacting Nations.