Two Boys on the Porch

August 28, 2023 Admin Comments Off

Soccer is by far the world’s most popular sport with over 260 million fans around the world. The simplicity of the sport appeals to millions. It doesn’t need much equipment, the rules are fairly easy to understand. Even in some of the most remote places in the world one can find a small clearing with two sticks set up for goals where people gather to play soccer. And the Bay Islands of Honduras are no exception.

Two boys on the island of Helene recently approached one of MEI’s missionaries and asked if they could use one of the soccer balls he kept in his house.

“Treyvon and Jemarco stopped by to borrow the ball so they could play some soccer,” said Reed Dillahunty, MEI Site Director. “And while we were on the porch talking one of them said that he had been working on becoming a better Christian.”

The simplicity of this game may make it popular, but the simple gospel message of Jesus is life changing. All MEI missionaries are trained in using simple and reproducible tools to share the gospel and make disciples.

Dillahunty began going through the simple evangelism tool called the 3-Circles. Drawing out this simple illustration helps share the good news of Jesus in a way that people of different cultures and education levels can understand. It is also simple enough for a new believer to learn and use in a short amount of time.

“We went through 3-Circles and they understood they were living in a broken world and they wanted to be in a fixed world,” Dillahunty said. “I asked them guys would you like to look to Jesus to be your king today?”

The boys, Trayvon and Jemarco, quickly began discussing what it meant to repent and give their life to Jesus. The Holy Spirit was moving and working in the boy’s hearts and soon Jemarco volunteered to pray first.

“Jesus I don’t know what all it means to be a christian,” he prayed “but I know you are the only one who can fix it so I give my life to you!”

And just like that God used a soccer ball to draw two boys into an eternal saving relationship with him.

“I was absolutely overjoyed when I heard the news,” said Larry Benson, MEI Senior Executive Director. Benson and his wife Sheila served as the Site Director for the MEI base on Helene for many years and now continue to provide leadership with the organization.

“I knew these young men, and their parents, and their history. My joy turned into thankful tears as 18 years of my life passed before me serving on that remote island,” Benson said.

The next steps for Trayvon and Jemarco in their journey of faith will be to grow from converts into disciples. All MEI missionaries are also trained in a simple reproducible way to make disciples. It involves forming small groups known as D-groups where believers look at God’s Word together and then obey what they’ve learnt. Dillahunty is currently working with 3 different D-groups that meet weekly on the island.

“Who knows what these boys will become as Reed disciples them,” Benson said. “Changed lives will change a community, a city, a region, a nation!”

* Would you pray for more divine appointments like Trayvon and Jemarco’s?
* Would you pray for new believers to be discipled in their faith and obedient to God’s Word?
* Pray that disciples would passionately multiply and make other disciples!